Saturday, November 29, 2008

In which Matthew is teh chef

1. Roasted turkey, rubbed with fennel seed, olive oil, cardamom and white peppercorns, stuffed with Meyer lemons from the backyard and rosemary from the front porch.

2. Union Square Cafe Mashed Potatoes with extra cream.

3. Fresh spinach and shaved almonds, sauteed in Shiraz.

4. A 35-page single-spaced dissertation proposal, with 207 notes, and a proposed dissertation bibliography of 405 sources.

5. Four ears of roasted corn, drizzled with butter, fresh shredded parmesan, key lime, and chili. (Edit: this turned out to be four ears of boiled corn, hastily placed on a ledge at knee-level, then I ran down the stairs and grabbed the chili powder, ran back up and shook the chili powder in the general direction of the corn without remembering to kneel down, so that it spilled all over the surrounding floor, and also it turned out that it was the cardamom not the chili powder, and no one ate it anyway).

Ara made her mom's nut loaf, the Vegetarian Times' pumpkin stew (baked in a pumpkin), and cranberry sauce; Lauri made Ara's mom's apple pie, a cauliflower casserole, and Pillsbury rolls; Micha made salad and hot mulled wine. Thanksgiving pictures will appear if you click on these words, but I look like a bloat monster and Ara says she thinks she looks "melty."


theonetheycallamy said...

your thanksgiving looks beautiful. really really nice. wish i was there :)

and everything sounds so delicious! we have to remember to cook at least one big meal when you're here...

Alec said...

Looks awesome. I think we might have failed to take pictures of ours. It was not nearly so epically presented. Well done, sir.