Monday, October 27, 2008

In which Matthew is braised

ME: Yo, Matt here actually
What's up, man?
Can I pass on a msg?
(A is in the kitchen baking, I'm cleaning)

HE: i just wanted to hear how slow foods went.

ME: Ah -- very good. Jessica seemed really pleased.

HE: gooooood. was ara happy?

ME: She was. 'Cept that we couldn't get it together to get it taped

HE: sorry...i know you're busy. i'll catch up with you guys when i get back to town.

ME: You should. We'd love to have you over. I'll make dinner. Ha, I found a newspaper clipping in the office and it's from when Madonna's brother wrote his exposé book

HE: these are riveting pieces of news matthew. :)

ME: He writes: I gave up my fucking life to make you the evil queen you are today... 15 years listening to your bitching egotistical rantings, mediocre talent, and a lack of taste that would stun the ages.
I thought that was funny so I ripped it out

HE: that's actually staggeringly incredible. fuck yeah to all of that. i kind of dont care at all about madonna or what she signifies. and im glad that someone has a really personal spin on how ridiculous she is as an icon.

ME: I find her inspiring, in a backwards way. Mind over matter: if you want something bad enough, and if you're insane enough, it just becomes true. Also, most of her music is catchy and fun and I like it.

HE: im not sold...but i always love your theories...because you do. okay im going to bed now. im excited to come to berks and eat you.
with you.
i mean with you.
gross. braised matt.

ME: it's how I'm usually served.

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