Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 8: Chutes and Ladders

cardiomachine: 20 mins bike, 15 mins elliptical
(skimmed notes and biblio for William Tydeman's The Medieval European Stage, 500-1550)
stretching: yes
pushups: 20
crunches: 30
breakfast: one egg, baguette, cheese, vitamins
lunch: I simply do not remember, but I did eat lunch
apartment clean: yes

My new hard drive has arrived, as has my old one. The thingy that Dell made me buy in order to extract the old data has failed completely, and so I dropped the old hard drive at the Used Computer Store on Shatuck (for a forty-five-buck diagnostic, they said they'd give it a shot) and moved on as if the data was lost for sure. I've kept various projects -- my dissertation, my play, my National Novel Writers' Month project, this fitness blog thing, etc -- in purgatory for weeks now, and they're all too time-sensitive for that. So I'm calling it a done deal, and if the brain cavalry does come riding in at some point, all the better.

Or, rather, another day of re-organizing and backing up everything. I'm technically posting this on Monday, two days after my last trip to the gym (this, like the prior few posts, are backdated because of all the computer trouble). And I've spent the last 48 hours installing Windows 7 (might as well do it now, and yes, it is much better), adjusting and replacing various programs, and then sifting through all the data I have left, salvaging what I can, and organizing my entire external hard drive while I was at it (except music, which is an ongoing project and all doubled on Ara's Mac anyway), so that future backups can be quick, easy, and frequent. Then I triplicated all scholarly and non-scholarly writing onto my flash drive. And I uploaded most of my photos to Picasa, in neat, safe little albums that will sync to my hard drive periodically.

I have been sitting here at the living room table, doing all this. And there's still more catching up to do. But I'm glad I'm finally moving forward, yo. And I get mad props for continuing the fitness thing into a second week, even as my data disappeared beneath me.

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