Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 5: Bakhtin Stings

cardiomachine: 20 mins bike (no elliptical: there was a long waiting line, and I had run out of reading material)
(read Mikhail Bakhtin's "The Role of Games in Rabelais")
stretching: yes
pushups: 20
crunches: 30
breakfast: leftover miso-cornmeal porkchop and Annie's mac and cheese, vitamins
lunch: leftover slider and fries from the gourmet burger place on College Avenue
apartment clean: yes

I so almost did not make it to the gym today. As in I didn't make it there until about 5:30pm, when the post-work rush makes the place very crowded, and when the people who run the place do not adjust the lights for the fact that the sun has long set below the skylights, so the place is just a sweaty tired and dim chore. But I went.

Don't judge me for cutting out the elliptical for time's sake. The only way I can even allow myself to go to the gym is because I spend the majority of my time there going through dissertation-related reading. It is just too boring otherwise. Meanwhile, Bakhtin's writing is so fucking frustrating that it made me pedal extra fast on the bike. I mean, he is the classic example of a 60's/70's French theorist whose sense of fact-checking and objectivity is more unreliable than that of the medieval period which he studies.

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