Friday, August 1, 2008

In which Matthew wastes his twenties on Photoshop

The research trip has hit its end,
but all I've brought home to my friends
are books, receipts from pounds I spent,
and sips of thin white whine;

but it was a good go, well, now that it's ceased --
immensely productive, if tiring, at least --
so: let all your hungry eyes on this to feast --
the Photoshop show is online.


Anonymous said...

Ummmm..... how did I not know you have a new blog??? What kind of a friend are you that you leave out these important details?

Matthew said...

Gasp -- because I haven't officially unveiled it yet, dammit (because the photos aren't ready yet)! How did you find your way here?!

Anonymous said...

It's a secret. :) I have my ways.