Saturday, August 9, 2008

In which Matthew speaks gibberish

I'm using a mini-recorder to take notes as I read these days. Sometimes it works very well. Sometimes it doesn't, as today: "02. 005 quote. The flora Hanna at. Before-it's self. Three hyphens ending subject?."

But then, I've also read the following bits directly out of the book I'm taking notes on: "'utopia of universal genitality,' the 'utopia of full orgasmic reciprocity'"; "a relationship of homology, that is, of diversity within homogeneity reflecting the diversity within homogeneity characteristic of their social conditions"; "In short, the art of estimating and seizing chances, the capacity to anticipate the future by a kind of practical induction or even to take a calculated gamble on the possible against the probable, are dispositions that can only be acquired in certain social conditions, that is, certain social conditions." I am beginning to wonder about the rational capacity (or the short term memory?) (or the rational capacity?) of the translator/editor of this text. And so, if my mini-recorder screws up, how am I to really know the difference?

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