Sunday, September 7, 2008

In which Matthew remains on the same loop

From: [me]
Date: Sun, September 7, 2008 11:37 am
To: [name omitted, just for courtesy]

Hi [name],

Drop me a line and we'll grab some tea on the 20th, gladly. As for how
I'm doing: meh. I'd set a draft deadline for my already overdue
dissertation proposal for Friday night, and only got it half done by 5am,
when I sent it to my advisor. Haven't heard from her yet, but I'm
petrified that she won't approve and it will be back to the drawing board
once again. It's an emotional rollercoaster at this stage of the process,
and I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be an even more nauseating
rollercoaster at the next stage, but I am tired of being endlessly
"pre-proposal" and just want to get to the project itself! We'll see...

Looking forward to seeing you,


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